• #2
These guys are good; https://www.pactcoffee.com/
• #3
Yellow bourbon is a lfgss’ers project. By all accounts it’s amazibg. Check out coffee appreciation thread.
I’m also a fan of Rave & Mr Eion.
• #4
I've tried a few but I always end up with https://www.hasbean.co.uk/ - good prices, always respond quickly to emails and roast the same day they post out. Royal Mail have lost a couple of packs from them in the past five years I've been using them and they always just sent a replacement with free first class postage with no quibble. Pact are also decent and I would use them otherwise, just like that Has Bean have more sources in Africa and Asia for variety.
• #5
+1 for pact coffee. i have been treated to their coffee advent calender this christmas and it's been great... in terms of getting beans regularly though their appeal to you depends on whether you prefer to make one off purchases or if you're happy to go with their subscription service.
these guys might also be worth a try: http://www.redber.co.uk I came across them when trying to find a new supplier for office coffee but we went with HEJ in the end as they're more local to us.
• #6
Hello, I order Coffee Beans from https://thecoffeemate.co.uk/, they fresh in the market, and they always make discounts! :) btw, quickly shipping and pleasure communication.
• #7
I tend to buy in person rather than online but regularly get coffee from Strangers and James Gourmet Coffee and both are very good.
Hello, folks.
I want to order coffee beans, where do you buy it? Could you share your favorite eshop! :)
I checked:
it does not seem reliable
Thanks in advance!