That design is sold by a bunch of companies and shops. I bought the titanium version through eBay from China (no idea if same manufacturer).
They hold bottles firm but not so much that you can’t get them out quickly. I think weight was as claimed.
Only thing I didn’t like was that one of the cages had the upper bolt hole drilled very slightly off centre so the inserted bottle does not quite align with the down tube. Its not that noticeable though and doesn’t bother me.
It seems I've found myself a nice fork!
now I am looking for nice bottle cages and found some Titanium ones on ali-express: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/Titainium-Bicycle-Holder-Water-Bottle-Cages/32801247528.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.eaE23Z
Anyone experience with these, is it really Titanium? (The weight looks good, if it is accurate)
They look really identical to the stainless steel ones of planetX, which seems strange, but the ss are heavier. https://www.planetx.co.uk/i/q/BOPXSTS/planet-x-stainless-steel-bottle-cage