A power outage yesterday played havoc with my network - my wireless APs stopped behaving (suffering interference, limited signal and becoming isolated from the network), and DNS lookups stopped entirely.
Factory resetting the EdgeMax, and upgrading AP firmware fixed the connectivity, but the DNS is still shot (it took me a while to realise this, as most external connections are via an ssh tunnel)
I can't find any GUI screen to set DNS, but I did find a command that I could enter over via ssh
I have an EdgeMax @velocio question
A power outage yesterday played havoc with my network - my wireless APs stopped behaving (suffering interference, limited signal and becoming isolated from the network), and DNS lookups stopped entirely.
Factory resetting the EdgeMax, and upgrading AP firmware fixed the connectivity, but the DNS is still shot (it took me a while to realise this, as most external connections are via an ssh tunnel)
I can't find any GUI screen to set DNS, but I did find a command that I could enter over via ssh
> set service dns forwarding name-server
But this doesn't work, and DNS is still borked
Do you have any ideas?