The draft refers to maintaining “regulatory alignment” between Northern Ireland and the Republic after Brexit — a form of words that, according to a senior official involved in the talks, appears to meet Dublin’s deep concerns about a possible hard border on the island and has not raised objections in London.
The wording is more comfortable for Britain than previous draft formulations that insisted on “no regulatory divergence”.
The deal came just minutes before Theresa May, the UK prime minister, prepared to enter a crucial lunch with Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, where Ireland remains the main obstacle to a deal on Brexit divorce terms.
Hilarious. As the minutes ticked down, and the UK once again couldn't get a concession, they broke down on the basis of shifting wording from "no regulatory divergence" to "regulatory alignment". A true win for Britain!
Months spent doing nothing about the issue. A couple of minutes before lunchtime they bodge something about the wording that they thin will make it possible to bodge through the Press back home. Class.
From FT (
Hilarious. As the minutes ticked down, and the UK once again couldn't get a concession, they broke down on the basis of shifting wording from "no regulatory divergence" to "regulatory alignment". A true win for Britain!
Once again, satire has no hope.