@chopsicle can help!
Fold each side to the zip (or just past). Wrap tightly. Get the loopy thing out from under the collar where it is stuck because you wrapped it so tightly. Stretch the non-stretchable thing to go over one end remembering to turn it inside out as you do otherwise you can’t see the cool slogan. Pick up the gilet off the floor because it’s slippery and shot out of your hand as you tried to get the loopy thing over the end and repeat until it doesn’t fly out of your hands or unravel.
I’ve never got it to look that tidy. The loop thing is so tight and non stretchy that it distorts the shape.Once you’ve mastered it buy the jacket and try the same thing with arms to wrap as well.
I have a genuine jacket related question; how do you fold brevet insulated gilet neatly into the provided tab?