I'm not sure I've explained what I want to do very well.
I have the table agreed_leave
date person
01/01/18 a
02/01/18 a
02/01/18 b
03/01/18 b
03/01/18 c
04/01/18 c
I use this table to add agreed leave in when it's been agreed and to track who's taking leave when.
I then have a sheet for each month for a rota. At the moment I have this
date task1 task2 who's on leave
01/01/18 b c a
02/01/18 c c a
what it does currently is say
vlookup rota date in agreed_leave date, return the matching name.
There must be a way to return a+b in who's on leave.
something like
match rotadate in agreed_leave date, return row numbers, use row numbers to match index agreed_leave names, return agreed leave_names as concatenation.
I'm not sure I've explained what I want to do very well.
I have the table agreed_leave
I use this table to add agreed leave in when it's been agreed and to track who's taking leave when.
I then have a sheet for each month for a rota. At the moment I have this
what it does currently is say
vlookup rota date in agreed_leave date, return the matching name.
There must be a way to return a+b in who's on leave.
something like
match rotadate in agreed_leave date, return row numbers, use row numbers to match index agreed_leave names, return agreed leave_names as concatenation.