Ah yes, guests. Our silent majority. I had forgotten them.
Can't we, you know, um, ignore them? The silent fuckers?
That does include Googlebot... which would suddenly start seeing the same content on different pages as people would be replying to the end of the conversation and earlier comments may not appear on different pages.
Google treat duplicate as a spam technique deserving de-listing.
I mean... you seem to imagine that the current system lacks thought. It doesn't.
The only people affected by this non-issue are those who ignore others. A miniscule numbers of users, who by their own action create a slightly different pagination for them. Yet navigation wise this doesn't even break things... all links to comments will calculate which page to send you to and get you to the right place.
And @mdcc_tester infinite scroll is possible. Always has been. But if we did it, then on image heavy threads the amount of RAM that browsers would take up would be huge.
Ah yes, guests. Our silent majority. I had forgotten them.
Can't we, you know, um, ignore them? The silent fuckers?