• #20027
Yeah - I saw a gent in bibs and an ss jersery at Oval. Didn't even have gloves. Nutjob.
Got the clothing just right today. Lovely ride in. Crisp/10.
• #20028
It's not that hard. If you've done a workout indoors and leave or you only have a short commute.
ie. I leave the gym sweating like crazy so the first 20min riding after that I don't even notice it's cold. Give it an hour though and fingers start to snap off...
• #20029
Or you down a litre of vodka
• #20030
Come to think of it he wasn't actually on the bike. Or conscious.
• #20031
That was last night.
• #20032
time to move through the clothing ranges, as the temperature drops, advertising hoardings were saying 2 degrees, fingers even in my normal gloves were frozen and took at least 10mins of tingling pain to get back to their usual warm selves...
Thinking winter gloves, skiing socks, softshell gilet and winter hat.but then again, looking at the forecast on Dark Skies, weathers supposed to go back to 5-11 degrees next week..
On an actual commuting note, lost the bolt and clamp for my Busch and Muller rear dynamo light, this morning and I'm worried I may have to buy a whole new light to replace the bolt.
Contacting Busch and Muller now, anyone know who distributes them in the UK??? -
• #20033
SJS seem to carry lots of spares - try them?
• #20034
Thanks Oliver, these are my concerns too (expressed much more articulately).
• #20035
Got train. Was cramped. Wasn't happy.
• #20036
Buskers on tube trains whilst I'm on my way to work are pissing me off at the moment.
• #20038
Thanks Oliver, these are my concerns too (expressed much more articulately).
Pffft, you go ahead, then, and express them much more articulately. :)
• #20039
Also, what's really pissing me off at the moment is people complaining about my busking.
• #20040
Tbf that double bass is a bit bulky for rush hour.
• #20041
tried them, they don't stock it, so have to go direct to either uk distributor or busch and muller themselves...
• #20042
The only other instrument he can play is the alpenhorn.
• #20043
It's actually a didgeridoo.
• #20044
In that case, didgeridon't.
• #20046
Love to see a busker with an alpenhorn.
They could borrow bills telescopic carbon one. -
• #20047
The telescopic carbon fibre alpenhorns are seriously cool. I can't play the alpenhorn, but I still want one of them.
• #20048
Epic beer bong
@danstuff -
• #20049
It might, but then again it might not, be noted that in German the Alphorn (plural "Alphörner") is usually referred to as that, not as "Alpenhorn". I think both are possible, but I've never heard the latter.
• #20050
Small victories...
This evening got up my homeward-bound steep (for useless me) hill (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5556129,-1.0710848,3a,75y,155.18h,88.81t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVFW4wJVxHYpn7Tfh0iAE-A!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DVFW4wJVxHYpn7Tfh0iAE-A%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D263.31873%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656)
without standing up.
Didn't feel like my (crap, pneumonia-scarred left lung) was going to split open either.
Thing's seem to be improving.
Best part(s) of my day.
1 Attachment
Followed a guy still wearing shorts and tshirt this morning. Not sure if awesome or mental! My ankles are still frozen.