It's a lot better now, thanks. I've had the issue for over a year now, I can't ride drops any more because that's how the injury started and it's really been pissing me off, riding riser bars, not being able to race or ride hard, stuff like that. Put a lot of weight on cos I wasn't pushing hard on my ride to work. Lots of physio and acupuncture didn't help, so went for the big cortisosteroid jab into the bone/tendon junction under ultrasound to they could locate the bad area. I had it done under a local, but when it wore off a couple of hours later, jeeeeeeesus. Ridiculously painful, couldn't bend the arm, hand stiffened up etc. Was off work for 5 days. It's eased off now, I still have to wear a support and have to take it easy - no gripping hard, no twisting with the hand, to give it the best chance to heal. Fingers crossed it works, else it's surgery, ugh.
hows it feeling now? were you laid up for the whole time?