Stabby knee pain on the other hand, not a great one to continue grinding away on. Has something changed with your position?
I'm pain free in the hills at the moment but don't have much energy. I'd planned to do a short one Sat with 1AAA then a 200 yesterday but didn't feel up to it. Today, after doing feck all except ride to Ruislip Spesh shop with missus, I have maybe sinus issue/throat infection thing so maybe I was already coming down with something. Gonna Trainerroad tonight and see how everything feels.
I wouldnt worry too much, this time of year is tough I bailed on the Shark on Friday with knee pain at about 140k, felt like someone was stabbing me in the knee every time I turned the pedals. Going to rest it this week and see how it is on a flat 200 on Saturday, suspect I've just been overdoing it on the hills.