Screenshot and link to affected comments would be appreciated.
Edit: This seems to be a Chrome issue I think. Seeing it on other websites as well.
I have the zoom on Chrome on 90% by default, and out of the blue (since yesterday) it's showing a scroll bar for
someall quotes:https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/153782/?offset=75475#13930139
When I zoom in to 100% or out to 80% it disappears.
Browser: Chrome (version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)) on Windows 10.
Looks like an odd Chrome thing... there's an
on the Quote and this says "let the browser decide what to do when the text is too wide for this space".Except the browser is deciding to put in a scroll bar when one is not needed.
Removing that instruction fixes it... but I'll need to test whether that breaks things. i.e. if someone put a huge photo in a comment and that were quoted, would it break the page layout if I removed it.
Screenshot and link to affected comments would be appreciated.