There was a great burrito place near Alexanderplatz... in fact I went there twice the food was so good, place was called Delores or something?
Just remembered this yesterday.. wasn't hungry as I had just eaten like half an hour before, but went inside none the less to have a look at the place.
It was very crowded, but with a nice atmosphere, both staff and guests, and the food / the whole place smelled AMAZING
Will definitely go have lunch there next time (pro-tip for all analog photographer vegans in Berlin) I'll visit Foto Impex, which is just around the corner..
Dolores Burritos
Agreed on the food front in Berlin, I was there two years ago and the food was pretty amazing to say the least. There was a great burrito place near Alexanderplatz... in fact I went there twice the food was so good, place was called Delores or something?
It's always a strange one with conflict over vegans and non-vegans... I can't remember the last time I took the piss out of someone for eating meat but it seems like we're easy targets sometimes as well for going against the grain. I gave up on giving a shit what people think years ago as I don't see what my decisions in life have to do with anyone else.