Having a bit of a clearout of the parts box. A few nice bits and a few cheaper bits. I'm based SW near Kew Bridge, but happy to meet within reason and happy to post smaller bits.
FSA OS98 stem, carbon/ally, 120mm, 6deg - £30
Same as this I think: eBay Link
Caused me absolutely no problems, but I can't vouch for its authenticity. Photo
Having a bit of a clearout of the parts box. A few nice bits and a few cheaper bits. I'm based SW near Kew Bridge, but happy to meet within reason and happy to post smaller bits.
105 PD-5700 pedals - £15
Photo here
SRAM X-Sync 44T narrow-wide chainring - £30
Photo 1
Photo 2
*105 5600 brakeset - £SOLD
Ultegra 6870 RH shifter - £50
Bit scuffed but works fine.
Giant carbon seatpost, 30.9mm - £5
Photo of both posts (FSA & Cannondale, sold)
FSA OS98 stem, carbon/ally, 120mm, 6deg - £30
Same as this I think: eBay Link
Caused me absolutely no problems, but I can't vouch for its authenticity.
Pinarello Most Tiger stem, 120mm - £20
Sturmey 16t freewheel - £5
Other stuff - all free (cantis, Garmin mount sold)
Photo 1
Photo 2