Normally, you’ll see the BIN price, and then you’ll see a fuck load more added on for the “international forwarding centre” or whatever they’ve decided to call their money grabbing scheme for skimming off the top of whatever import duty and tax you may or may not pay as an importer to the UK.
Basically eCunts (eBay) have cleverly hedged their bets against the worst possibile scenario of you importing that product, charging the worst possible tax and handling, and then pocketing the difference. It’s like a gamble - only 90% of the time eBay win, yet give you no option to try and win yourself and will charge you that worst cast scenario tax.
Yes - expect to if the sender marks the package as having any value.
The import tax game and handling fees fracas is a lottery - some people get charged $$$$$ Some £0.
The only way to avoid is for the sender to mark as gift and value at $0, which, unles they’re a close friend, would be foolish as it voids any insurance or claim value for the item.
It’s now why a US eBay item costs 20- 40% more - they auto add import and handling, whereas previously this was left to chance and discretion.