But yeah, even Father CYOA pointed to Aquavision and said those two were the first to really do 'fancy' carp in the UK so if they don't make direct sales then they can point you to someone who can.
He then reiterated what's been said upthread that Chinese and Polish shops should have plenty of it though you may have to 'fish around' to find good ones as quality will vary from place to place.
EDIT: He also said you'd almost certainly find some at Billingsgate.
But yeah, even Father CYOA pointed to Aquavision and said those two were the first to really do 'fancy' carp in the UK so if they don't make direct sales then they can point you to someone who can.
He then reiterated what's been said upthread that Chinese and Polish shops should have plenty of it though you may have to 'fish around' to find good ones as quality will vary from place to place.
EDIT: He also said you'd almost certainly find some at Billingsgate.