Defo said starts today, my timing with house buying has been pretty crappy it seems, bought 4 years ago when it was still flat rated stamp duty, cost me £9,000 for SD, then got me a 5 year fixed mortgage at 3.69% thinking base rate was heading up so have missed the honeymoon period of interest rates and not due to renew till Aug 2018 by which point they may have another rate hike, all the while, we've had a massive slump in my industry since 2014 so the uncertainty has been rather unwelcome! Can't complain tho, #firstworldproblems
Feel your pain. I'm in the same situation, though bought a year later. Still, look on the bright side.... At least £30k saved compared to renting over that time period.
Defo said starts today, my timing with house buying has been pretty crappy it seems, bought 4 years ago when it was still flat rated stamp duty, cost me £9,000 for SD, then got me a 5 year fixed mortgage at 3.69% thinking base rate was heading up so have missed the honeymoon period of interest rates and not due to renew till Aug 2018 by which point they may have another rate hike, all the while, we've had a massive slump in my industry since 2014 so the uncertainty has been rather unwelcome! Can't complain tho, #firstworldproblems