170k conversations
588 events
55k registered members
17k active members (logged in within the last 30 days)
645k pages indexed by Google (I removed duplicate comment pages via robots.txt)
Each month (avg):
7.1m pages viewed (if comparing to old vBulletin numbers, this site has fewer interstitials on redirects and page views is approximately triple the old numbers in the first post of this conversation)
890k visits (sessions) from about about 145k users (better measurement than it used to be, unique cookies over visits, rather than calculated approximation)
£740 costs
Each day:
22k unique visitors
More than 1,100 concurrent people online
2,700 new comments
60 new conversations
35 new members
£18 in donations
50k pages indexed by Google
18k search results shown on Google
4k click-throughs from Google
Some of these numbers come from Google Analytics, which doesn't have complete info (ad-blockers, natch), but additionally:
71% of traffic comes from desktop browsers
29% from mobile phones
0% from other stuff (tablets, games consoles, TVs, whatever)
170k conversations
588 events
55k registered members
17k active members (logged in within the last 30 days)
645k pages indexed by Google (I removed duplicate comment pages via robots.txt)
Each month (avg):
7.1m pages viewed (if comparing to old vBulletin numbers, this site has fewer interstitials on redirects and page views is approximately triple the old numbers in the first post of this conversation)
890k visits (sessions) from about about 145k users (better measurement than it used to be, unique cookies over visits, rather than calculated approximation)
£740 costs
Each day:
22k unique visitors
More than 1,100 concurrent people online
2,700 new comments
60 new conversations
35 new members
£18 in donations
50k pages indexed by Google
18k search results shown on Google
4k click-throughs from Google
Some of these numbers come from Google Analytics, which doesn't have complete info (ad-blockers, natch), but additionally:
71% of traffic comes from desktop browsers
29% from mobile phones
0% from other stuff (tablets, games consoles, TVs, whatever)
books published - 0