It has taken some time to get something that might be readable
Sent to me a low-resolution jpegs taken in low light at strange angles with a 12-year-old point and shoot.
Not as much as I would have liked.
Perhaps I should get this
Cool. Thank you.
Shame he doesn't go into more detail of how the derailleurs performed. As I understand it Simplex's success was mostly due to rugged simplicity -so it was adopted by pro racers and advertising/sponsorship, rather than technical innovation or performance.
More context would be good - the French innovators (such as Nivex and Cyclo) who had less of a business/pro appeal & sponsorship approach or Huret who kept innovating,
The Japanese derailleur book is lush.
What's the scoop on 'Half a Century of Development in Simplex Derailleurs'?
Enquiring minds etc.