• #27
Run the tcx file through http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/ and select gpx as the output.
Or if you just want the gpx track.
1 Attachment
• #28
• #29
This will convert the tcx to gpx for you: http://www.gpsies.com/convert.do;?language=en
• #30
It could have been the pimples one, but I'll recognise the blog post instantly once I see it. I reckon it was from before spring 2015, because that was when my mate and I were discussing doing it.
• #31
I did this the other week -
It would have been better if it wasn't such a bog fest, mate that had road tyres was pissed off.
some of this excellent -
We got the train to Guilford, takes about 30 mins, the ride was slow going, make sure the slowest rider goes at the back, I came of 3 times because Roadbiketyreman (see above) is a terrible climber .
And there's a Rapha route round Kent also, but is probably better suited to a MTB (and I cant locate the route now anyway)
• #32
Just got home from this, super super fun ride. Some of the muddier bits of bridleway/fields were challenging on 35c slicks but totally doable.
• #33
Rode this yesterday, 100km off-road almost all the way - starting in Highgate.
• #34
• #35
I like this, how can I download a GPX of this route from the site?
• #36
Dunno! Let me dick around and see if I can do it
• #37
• #38
If you have a garmin log in there is an export option to gpx or tcx . I have attached a gpx of the actvity, the tcx is too large to attach. (3.8mb)
1 Attachment
• #39
Thank you! Beat me to it.
• #40
Guildford to Shoreham-by-sea
Do you have the route for this?
• #41
Are you able to share the .gpx?
• #42
Hi. I’d love to know the route for this ride, thanks.
• #43
It's called the Downs Link and is comprehensively signposted all the way, no real need for a .gpx or anything
• #44
Great makes life easier! Thanks
• #46
Have you cycled this route? Is it feasible on 28mm road tyres?
• #47
In the summer definitely, however over the winter I'd not try it on anything less than CX tyres
• #49
I should have said file tread CX tyres cos the gnar factor is pretty low
The main bulk of it is straight and flat and rideable on pretty much anything but there are a few sections at the start that I'd say are not 28 friendly (which can probably be rerouted out) and a chunk towards the end which is probably a little spicy for 28s unless it's totally dry.
• #50
Great thanks. Reckon I'll give it a go!
This one I'm thinking of...it's pissing me off now...was on someone's personal blog. About a 30 mile loop out of SE London (think it started at Cadence) and went out the usual way via Elmer's End and West Wickham...round Biggin Hill?
My Chrome history is giving me nowt.