• Saw a double whammy of cycling incidents today, one was total cyclist fuckwitry the other not some much.

    Cyclist comes bomb down the pedestrian zone straight onto the road at the same time a car has indicated to join the around about, you could see what was going to happen, cyclist hits the side of the car at some speed. driver and others stopped to help, cyclist was moving so should be ok. I've only been working in Oxford a week and could see from day one that an accident would happen in this spot. Cyclist don't seem to care that the pavement bit ends and it joins a busy round.


    Second incident was a bit further up on the same road, traffic was backed up a passenger in a car decide to open the door to get out taking out the girl who was riding in the cycle lane. Cyclist was very shaken. Made me laugh as people were help all of the other cyclist just cycled around her on the pavement.

    Cyclist in Oxford are truly awful
