Surely the same justification for the back wheel applies to a front wheel with a disk hub?
Yes, but the problem is less dramatic due to the smaller difference between left and right flange offsets. Apart from the slight inconvenience while building, disc fronts with non-offset rims and non-disc fronts with offset rims will both be fine, in the sense that if you're really running that close to design optimisation on a front wheel that it will make a material difference, you should probably consider adding a bit more safety margin.
In a rare example of something new actually being an improvement, Boostâ„¢ can actually solve the problem for front disc hubs.
@Heldring @frankenbike thank you for the feedback. I'm learning here.
The slight inconvenience, I take, is a different spoke length, for an otherwise nice smooth build with same spoke length on a symmetrical rim?
That's what I thought, but then I decided he must want it to go with a disc brake hub. Surely the same justification for the back wheel applies to a front wheel with a disk hub? I guess it doesn't take quite as much as weight and won't flex in corners etc.?