"Made"? She picked it. I warned her. She insisted. We rode it.
She went back for more a week or two later so it didn't do much to her.
I am tempted but I struggle to keep tyres inflated on the road. Off-road I've got no chance. If I took the Inbred (god it's heavy!) I'd definitely want new brakes. If I took the Kona, I'd need new suspension. Both would need different bar/stem combos and saddle swaps. Then there's the luggage/bikepacking shit.
That doesn't make training easy. I'd also rock up and find it covered in mud...
"nah hippy, i ain't touched it bro!" :P
I do have two singlespeed MTBs - anything's possible with a low enough gear right?
Shit, imagine hike-a-bike with my Inbred?! It weighs more than I do.