-Fit brakes if you want to be able to stop easily and not get nicked/be held liable if anything bad happens to you or anyone else.
-Learn to ride your bike well. This is probably the most important bit.
If you don’t fit brakes then don’t be a crybaby if it all goes wrong and a media witch hunt is started against you if/when it goes pear shaped.
Surely common sense trumps specific wording of the law.
-Fit brakes if you want to be able to stop easily and not get nicked/be held liable if anything bad happens to you or anyone else.
-Learn to ride your bike well. This is probably the most important bit.
If you don’t fit brakes then don’t be a crybaby if it all goes wrong and a media witch hunt is started against you if/when it goes pear shaped.
Surely common sense trumps specific wording of the law.