what's the deal with making offers on two separate places simultaneously? presumably a verbal offer isn't legally binding by any stretch of the imagination, so if the seller of house A tells us to get fucked we've still got a foot in the door on house B - vice versa etc.
beyond it being potentially a dick move, we're not exposing ourselves to any meaningful risk?
Fine in Scotland in my experience if the closing date and time for offers are identical. Happened to me, I had asked in advance if it was okay to have two offers in play and my solicitor said yes. Both offers were accepted and I declined one of them (within about an hour, mind).
what's the deal with making offers on two separate places simultaneously? presumably a verbal offer isn't legally binding by any stretch of the imagination, so if the seller of house A tells us to get fucked we've still got a foot in the door on house B - vice versa etc.
beyond it being potentially a dick move, we're not exposing ourselves to any meaningful risk?