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What's the scenario that means you want to ride two in a day? How much of a gap between the two rides?
One after another would be easier to just mash it in to one. And if it's to ride two loops of the same thing then you'll probably be told that's not possible, AUK aren't a fan of repeated loops.
If it's before/after work then I can see the logic in it. What distances are they? Are they the same route both times?
Scenario: I'm an idiot.
Gap: None, upwardsI'm thinking of an existing route, done twice. I guess I could just combine them but the loop thing becomes an issue. If the loop is big enough, I've forgotten it by the time I get to the start again but rules is rules.
It could be but I was thinking one after the other. How much variation is required before a second 'loop' is no longer consider a repeat? 120k x 2
I'm not going to join, I can't handle another one, especially not one with anything in moderation. I could probably get an answer on yacf anyway. If you can be arsed, thanks but don't stress.