I can but it's not pretty, i have tears on both hamstrings from my youth and they're not great. The other thing i've noticed is how much cracking there is in my lower back when i do a spinal twist stretch. I'm going to start with some lower back and hamstring stretches and see if that helps as i do next to no stretching at the moment. I can borrow a handlebar bag and get the weight of my back for a while but i do want the ability to ride with a backpack.
I'm sure it's case specific but i'd like to know if it's best to try and heal first whilst improving strength/flexibility before getting a bike fit or should i just get on with it in my current condition?
This could well be bike fit but i have a feeling is more related to wearing a back pack... Has anyone experienced a bruised feeling pain at the base of their spine when off the bike? No significant issues when riding (although i'm only doing my usual 15-20 miles a day commute and a few MTB trails) but my back feels like i've been Bruce Lee death touched quite often off the bike. About 3 months ago i had a week of lugging some heavy stuff about on the bike in my backpack and it feels like that might of been the starting point. Since then i've been pretty careful to keep the bag light and use the chest strap but it doesn't feel like its getting better.