So I'm building up a single speed and the only wheels I have spare are some Mavic Ellipses. Only used them a few times on the track so would be a good idea to put them to use, but on closer inspection they have an anodised brake track. Do they work ok with brakes? This is just a cheapy single speed build so do you guys think :
Use the Mavics, they'll be fine.
Sell the Mavics (£?) and just buy some cheapy fixed wheels (saw some I like for £70).
So I'm building up a single speed and the only wheels I have spare are some Mavic Ellipses. Only used them a few times on the track so would be a good idea to put them to use, but on closer inspection they have an anodised brake track. Do they work ok with brakes? This is just a cheapy single speed build so do you guys think :