I know I ran down a few a couple of years back and I've lost count of the amount of samples I've been sent. I've pretty much settled on these two which have a decent whack of Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine and aminos.
Smart-Tec Xcelr8 Raw (per 25g serving) - 3.2g BA, 2g C. Malate, 400mg caffeine, only comes in Mango Ice Tea flavour and tastes awful. £20
Reflex Muscle Bomb (per 15g serving) - 4g C. Malate, 1.6g BA, 125mg caffeine, also tastes bad but black cherry is weirdly moreish. £25-£30 also comes in a caffeine free version.
Both come from certificated factories in the UK.
Thanks. I’ll give it a look.