I've put an 8-speed cassette on what I thought was an 8/9/10 speed freehub and it's a bit wobbly. As in, it looks like it needs a spacer. The internet reckons it shouldn't, but there you go. If I just put one or more spacers on before the cassette and tighten the lockring, is that OK? Dead soon?
How wobbly? If it's only a little bit, the 1mm spacer used to fit most 10-speed cassettes should be enough, and you only lose one turn of lock ring thread engagement compared with your current bottomed out condition.
It looks like more than that, but tbh my cassette tool isn't compatible, which is annoying. I was considering using one of the middle-of-the-block spacers that are about 2-3mm. Bad idea?
I've put an 8-speed cassette on what I thought was an 8/9/10 speed freehub and it's a bit wobbly. As in, it looks like it needs a spacer. The internet reckons it shouldn't, but there you go. If I just put one or more spacers on before the cassette and tighten the lockring, is that OK? Dead soon?