I have a few parts floating around from that build I could dig up for you if you're interested. specifically quill and seatpost - I had the Look Ergopost but didn't want setback, and bought a Thomson in-line instead (you might want to check them out, they do 25mm seatposts setback and inline).
subbed - that's a beautiful frame! i also lol'd at this:
That was exactly me last year (see -> https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/289135/ ) so great to see someone else fall for the beauty of a classic Look.
I have a few parts floating around from that build I could dig up for you if you're interested. specifically quill and seatpost - I had the Look Ergopost but didn't want setback, and bought a Thomson in-line instead (you might want to check them out, they do 25mm seatposts setback and inline).