Finding that the Republicans are granting ISP's the right to sell peoples browsing history is extremely entertaining as, you guessed it, the Bible Belt watches the most porn: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/which-stateĀ-watched-most-porn-2016/
LOL-ocaplypse if churches buy lists of "sinners" for targeted sin-reduction.
"Why are you buying a burner phone Pastor?"
11 mins?!?! Is that it?? Man, I've got tabs open that I cannot possibly pay for.
Finding that the Republicans are granting ISP's the right to sell peoples browsing history is extremely entertaining as, you guessed it, the Bible Belt watches the most porn: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/which-state-watched-most-porn-2016/
LOL-ocaplypse if churches buy lists of "sinners" for targeted sin-reduction.
"Why are you buying a burner phone Pastor?"