• #4102
Oh and he cut a plea deal with Mueller too.
• #4103
Spinning like centrifuges high on Stuxnet.
• #4104
We should get Mueller to sort out the Brexit mess.
• #4105
Any suggestions for any unbiased reads on the uranium stuff and Clintons? Most articles have a fair bit of bias one way or the other.
• #4106
I can't say that I have picked up on widespread bias about it. The timescales don't line up, no uranium was sold to Russia, Clinton didn't decide the outcome.
At absolute worst, a handful of Russian shareholders might make some money the next time the USA buys uranium from a Canadian company. Which is even more of a non event when you consider that the USA buys a shit ton of uranium from Russia anyway.
EDIT: I think this article covers it fairly well https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/10/29/the-dossier-and-the-uranium-deal-a-guide-to-the-latest-allegations/?utm_term=.eed38885fa96
• #4107
What I want to know is who will now man a fort for Trump.
• #4108
• #4109
Bernard Manning.
• #4110
"More soon, but I will say—beyond doubt—today is the beginning of the end of the Trump Administration. The Papadopoulos news is that big."
Seth's most recent tweet
• #4111
That'll fox them.
• #4112
Con away all you like, but he's still got people who can kushner the blow.
• #4113
Ivanka proper reply, not a Bannon real news.
• #4114
Stop, for the love of god.
• #4115
Middle Aged thread
• #4116
The FBI are used to investigating people who genuinely know what they are doing; this crowd are a bunch of absolute jokers.
• #4117
• #4118
Yes, their pattern of blatant disregard for the law while relying on the fact that heavyweight legal threats will succeed in bullying most people into submission will be their undoing.
• #4119
Mr John Lewis must be smiling to himself.
• #4120
Seth's tweets 'unrolled'
• #4121
Her emails...
• #4122
Cheers, that article and this one https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/10/26/the-facts-behind-trumps-repeated-claim-about-hillary-clintons-role-in-the-russian-uranium-deal/?utm_term=.3605386f3235 cleared a few things up.
I'd seen articles dismissing the accusations but nothing with a detailed rebuttal like the Washington Post ones.
• #4123
I really don't have any difficulty in believing that Hillary Clinton is a crook but I do not understand how anybody could think that Uranium 1 is the smoking gun to discredit her.
• #4124
Hang on. It looks like Mueller is the crook. Who do we trust?!
• #4125
My god, Murdoch is a stooge.
It was one of the first things I saw this morning. So good I watched it twice :)