This tape advice is solid! I’ve never done any tube mitreing so I’m just gonna eyeball it and see if it goes well. I’ve got an angle grinder at home but I’ve decided to get a dremel as well to satisfy a long held desire for a tiny powered wire brush.
Gloves agreed think I’ve got a whole bag of site gloves at home which will help
This might be useful! It gives you a curve which you can print out and fold around a tube so you have a cutting guide. I have a Mac and this program works for me. There are also some Windows versions I believe.
cheap-ass angle grinder
or a slightly better one by draper
there are a huge range of discs and accessories (more variety at screwfix or on ebay)... will look/sound more impressive when cutting steel than carbon, which it will go through like a hot knife through butter. The more you can support the carbon while cutting/shaping the less it will splinter and compromise the structure. You might be able to find a broomstick or something that fits inside the tubing that you can sort of cut against when working the carbon. I have also seen that some people say to tape the edge you are working on.
On the safety side, it never hurts to wear a pair of cheap sunglasses to keep shit from getting in your eyes and thick rigger gloves (as cheap as £1!), though obviously more thorough protection is the recommended thing.