Look at the funds available and read the factsheets to see fees and how the fund has compared against the index. Pick a few funds that spread your money (i.e. North America, EU, UK Asia, property etc). If stuck look at all the "managed funds" range e.g. Standard life managed fund. They are generally bog standard funds that spread risk for you and choose where to invest. Invest what you are comfortable with and see how it goes. Will be ups and downs but good diversification should reduce overall movements. If you can find a decent IFA, then I honestly believe paying them a small fee every couple of years is incredibly valuable and the benefit will exceed the cost. Finding a decent one is the issue I find...
Apologies a bit rambly but hopefuly makes some sort of sense
I understand the basics, it's actually doing it that I struggle with - I'm lazy with money and reasonably risk averse too as well as suffering from analysis paralysis as soon as I look at anything like this with so many variables. Appreciate all the comments from you and others so far.
How do you find a decent IFA? Didn't Kahneman(sp?) write something along the lines of "algorithms outperformed human traders all the time". Basically, experienced traders were no better at making money than a program fed a bit of knowledge about the market or something.
I guess what I can do now is take a punt, throw a bit of cash into a fund and see what happens. Then after x months/years either up the input or look for another fund to throw cash at.