Handmade. On BBC4 right now. No music or narration. Just a man making a knife. Beautiful.
"Metal. Filmed in an industrial forge lit only by the welding torch and burning metal, this programme examines the process involved in the crafting of a steel knife. Bladesmith Owen Bush uses a variety of techniques, both ancient and modern, and takes his time over the complex skill of shaping and blending the steel into a knife."
Worth a watch on the iPlayer later if you missed it.
Handmade. On BBC4 right now. No music or narration. Just a man making a knife. Beautiful.
"Metal. Filmed in an industrial forge lit only by the welding torch and burning metal, this programme examines the process involved in the crafting of a steel knife. Bladesmith Owen Bush uses a variety of techniques, both ancient and modern, and takes his time over the complex skill of shaping and blending the steel into a knife."
Worth a watch on the iPlayer later if you missed it.