I looked up their blog to see if it explained their thinking.
It's noticeably short on specific complaints or proposed improvements, and very long on hypothetical problems and rhetorical questions.
They seem to be convinced that making cars give way to the cycle lane when turning off Chiswick High Road will cause queues of idling traffic, for some reason, and also think that lots of loading bays are being removed which I don't see at all (their closest one on Chiswick Lane is staying).
There's also some suggestion that the floating bus stop will be bad, but mostly ... it seems like they don't like the pavement right outside their shop on Chiswick High Road being narrowed. The fact that all or most of the reallocated space is currently used for street furniture and bike stands rather than walking isn't mentioned.
That is what has triggered me pinning this to the front page... they are spreading FUD and not talking of any of the positives, even to them.
I have been a long time customer but will now boycott them.
I am seriously considering striking up the mailing list again and emailing 25,000+ cyclists... asking them to fill in the consultation... just because of the Chiswick High Road traders being so dishonest and lobbying customers based on that.