If you could do what you say here, then I think it's doable - only two days a week alone at home, with a dog walker/sitter on those days. That's pretty much my arrangement and it works. It means that on days he's left, he has to have a long walk (hour plus) first thing, with lots of chasing a ball or running with other dogs, and another one when I get home - but that's the best bit anyway.
Maybe crate-train the puppy from very young to make taking it into the office easier.
I'm with Markyboy on this. Its doable but to do it right can be a bit costy.
We pay £320 per month on dog daycare at the moment. To be fair, we could spend less but we have a walker who takes him out for long days rabitting in kentish forests and they are worth every penny.
I work from home every day, the time otto gets away from home is useful for me for meetings but also for his socialisation as a puppy.
He is happy in his crate for up to three hours at a push, he would not be happy left at home for a working day even on rare occasions.
Yes, this was my thought but wasn't sure how other managed it. I had thought about a combination of dog sitter & each of us wfh one day a week and one day a week in the office but that would be hard when a puppy.
I just miss not having a dog