• #37677
razzle magenta
• #37678
A friend of mine has a Lotus Europa in a sort of mustard colour. It's very 70s British Leyland kind of colour - it takes no effort at all to imagine an Allegro in that colour, probably with a brown interior. We refer to it as 'mango beige'.
• #37679
RedBased upon the MGBs I see these days.
• #37680
One of my friends I've known since school had a 998 Metro in that BL mustardy yellow colour with brown interior. He got it for his 17th birthday for free from a family friend, but it needed £750 of work to get it through the MOT. I think £500 was welding.
After he passed his test he peeled off the L plates and found that even in his short ownership the paint had faded to leave perfect darker squares where the plates were. Except the paint hadn't actually faded that much. The glue from the learner plates had dissolved the shit paint and rusted the doors.
• #37681
that's Howard Racing Brown!!! if I had my way, it would be mustard, with EVERYTHING else black.
• #37682
More like:
brgit was Darwin that wrote: "every mgb is destined to end up red, regardless of the original hue..."
• #37683
If I ever repaint the B I am gonna do Kandy Color purple with a yellow stripe to match my Grubb.
Suck on that, Howard.
• #37684
...and there goes another friendship
• #37685
I quite like the light blue
• #37686
I think iris blue is provisionally been chosen - I just wanted something different.
iris blue with the white corners on the front
• #37687
Foffa blue?
It's your money.
• #37688
Ps I missed your call. Wac etc
• #37690
What's the deal with the white corners? Is it a special panel that goes in when there's no bumper? Why is it always white?
• #37691
Paddy Hopkirk’s Le Mans car, I think. No special panel
• #37692
Perfect! There was a nice +2 on eBay recently. Bermuda Yellow?
• #37693
I think that's the official name, yep, but to me it will always be mango beige.
• #37694
My kingdom for a mango beige europa.
• #37695
Isn't there an old Jasper Carrot routine where he tells the story of typical BL Management problems/supply chain mismanagement/couldn't care less attitude meant that one week when the Marina production line was on 'Mustard' all the interiors delivered were blue.
The workers, reasonable, objections were overruled, and the line never stopped.
Who knows what the Dealers told prospective customers? -
• #37696
Is that Steve's car?
I can't believe it was ever that shiny.
• #37697
edit: anyone recomend a garage in n/e London to fit some suspension for me?
• #37698
Yep, shortly after he bought it. He then broke it and left it to fester. As usual. He was supposed to be in his Cossie Turbo Striker on that tour, but he'd broken it and failed to fix it. I believe it's currently busy festering.
• #37699
Sorry babez, only one helmet...
• #37700
She's got her own. There's enough space in the passenger side for one @Cycliste and one helmet in the footwell. That doesn't work for me on the driver's side for at least two reasons. That was evidently a transit day, otherwise we would have left them in the hotel. Which I think is the Peebles Hydro in that photo.
Oh, and @Cycliste's kit car helmet is a scooter helmet with a flip up clear visor. It's very funny when she forgets the visor is down and tries to drink from a bottle of fizzy pop. Funny, if sticky.
faded red
not quite blue
british racing green