I’m self employed, quite successfully, and not enjoying it.
The hours are long.
The responsibility of having 7 staff depend on me makes me tired and stressed.
We keep getting too busy and then not being able to look after customers properly, which stresses me out, but the idea of employing more staff stresses me out too.
I’m constantly nervous about one thing or another. When I’m not nervous about a specific thing I’m nervous I’ve forgotten what I should be nervous about.
I have months where I make more money thank I can think what to do with. Then other months where I lose more than some people earn in a year. In the good months I quite regularly flick about the internet for a couple of hours in the evening trying to think of something to buy to cheer me up, but it never works.
I’ve tried having holidays, which are fun to be on, but I always know that the week I get back will be horribly busy.
I’m not sure I enjoy any aspect of what I do now.
I don’t think I’ll ever go back to working for someone else.
Doing something for yourself gives you so much confidence in your ability, so much pleasure that you made a thing that people like and so many more varied challenges.
I reckon my issue is that I left a job I didn’t like to set up doing the same job I didn’t like. 2.5 years in I’ve finished the fun and challenge of setting up and the only thing I’m left with is trying to make more money by doing the job I don’t like. And as established above, I can’t really think of stuff to spend money on anyway.
So plans are afoot. Plans to start a new thing that I will enjoy. If that works out I can maybe get some money for my current company, or not, either way I’ll be happy.
My advice is that if you want to break free try to be sure what you’re breaking free from - working for someone else or the work itself.
How’s this for being Mary Mary Quite Contrary:
I’m self employed, quite successfully, and not enjoying it.
The hours are long.
The responsibility of having 7 staff depend on me makes me tired and stressed.
We keep getting too busy and then not being able to look after customers properly, which stresses me out, but the idea of employing more staff stresses me out too.
I’m constantly nervous about one thing or another. When I’m not nervous about a specific thing I’m nervous I’ve forgotten what I should be nervous about.
I have months where I make more money thank I can think what to do with. Then other months where I lose more than some people earn in a year. In the good months I quite regularly flick about the internet for a couple of hours in the evening trying to think of something to buy to cheer me up, but it never works.
I’ve tried having holidays, which are fun to be on, but I always know that the week I get back will be horribly busy.
I’m not sure I enjoy any aspect of what I do now.
I don’t think I’ll ever go back to working for someone else.
Doing something for yourself gives you so much confidence in your ability, so much pleasure that you made a thing that people like and so many more varied challenges.
I reckon my issue is that I left a job I didn’t like to set up doing the same job I didn’t like. 2.5 years in I’ve finished the fun and challenge of setting up and the only thing I’m left with is trying to make more money by doing the job I don’t like. And as established above, I can’t really think of stuff to spend money on anyway.
So plans are afoot. Plans to start a new thing that I will enjoy. If that works out I can maybe get some money for my current company, or not, either way I’ll be happy.
My advice is that if you want to break free try to be sure what you’re breaking free from - working for someone else or the work itself.
Then break free.