• Most of the time I see RLJing cyclists as being discourteous to those on foot but rarely particularly perilous to them. However last night while I was waiting at the lights on Rosebery Avenue where it intersects with Farringdon Road, some absolute weapon bombed through the assembled cyclists and through the crossing at a speed that would have caused some serious injury had he hit the woman who was crossing. It was really just lucky he didn’t, as he was riding with absolutely no regard for anyone, and you could see she was pretty shocked. Off he shot west down Farringdon Road. The same twat reappeared later on my route when he RLJd again at speed the wrong side of the pedestrian island on Barnsbury Road turning right into Copenhagen Street while I was waiting at those lights. For all the furious riding and twattery he hadn’t got anywhere faster than me. Nice one, dickhead.

  • The problem is that RLJers either only RLJ at minor junctions or through the All Green Pedestrian Phase at major junctions. As I've said numerous times before, it's the widespread introduction of AGPPs (in themselves a good thing) that caused RLJing to overtake footway cycling as the number one concern about bad cycling some years ago.

    People who RLJ at minor junctions quite often suffer much longer delays at major junctions, and even if they get through there the time 'saving' will at best be a few minutes.

    RLJing at AGPPs mainly signals that these riders consider their cycling as a form of assisted walking rather than use of a vehicle and quite apart from the terrified pedestrians it creates (it has to be said that actual crashes are rare, but that's not the point), it's the worst public image if cycling is ever to be taken seriously as a mode. As it is, most people see bikes as annoying and dangerous toys for people who've never grown up.
