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  • Cant avoid it. Dream home found. I'm sure you're right, but at least it will be an experience.

  • So what then? Just sell the place. Or are you using a BTL re-mortgage to extract the equity you need?

    If the market is so bad, can't dream home owners wait for you to get a sale?

  • Yep, BTL to extract equity, it's termed "Let to buy".

    Market is bad for selling, but good for buying, so in my mind it makes sense to try get a good deal on a place we like, and try selling ours at a future date. Mind given the current doom and gloom house prices could drop and this all goes tits up for us. But hey ho, life's a gamble.

    Dream owners are in a bind, are emigrating due to an unexpected sick relative and need to sell up to go.


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