Doesn't sound like you are looking at the problem in the right way to be honest. Multiple backup copies in different places are in themselves a good thing. Why do you want to manually dedupe them?
Automatic deduping at file or block level while backing up, to save storage space, is a different issue (Time Machine only does file level dedupes via hardlinks I believe).
Or are you actually asking about deduping your primary files and not your backups?
Probably not; I am very disorganised and find the management of data very stressful, in that I'm terrified of losing it.
I am going to start afresh: clean install of High Sierra and new process for backing up. I was going to use the following system: 4TB cloud drive in loft or locked cupboard for Time Machine backups; 1TB usb drive carbon copy of 1TB iMac hard drive, replaced when full + iMac clean install (so every couple of years); and the most precious stuff (mostly pics and vids) to a Cloud account.
Does that sound like a good process?
Another one from me. Not specifically a Mac question, but I would like to dedupe my incredibly badly organised backup drives. I reckon I have the same files backed up in 3 or even 4 different places. Has anyone used software for this that they'd recommend? I gather some do image analysis whereas others just look at filenames...