Every year for the last 11 years I've ground off a bit more rust, added a bit more filler and squirted some aerosol at the front of my VW bus, delaying the inevitable front panel replacement.
What started as just replacing the front clip became the inner cross member and both side steps. And if you're painting the front and both steps you may as well keep going with the gun. And if you're doing that then the seals will never go back in so they may as well be new.
I fear the originally agreed figure of £700 may be a distant memory. :(
Every year for the last 11 years I've ground off a bit more rust, added a bit more filler and squirted some aerosol at the front of my VW bus, delaying the inevitable front panel replacement.
I gave in this year and done a @Dammit
What started as just replacing the front clip became the inner cross member and both side steps. And if you're painting the front and both steps you may as well keep going with the gun. And if you're doing that then the seals will never go back in so they may as well be new.
I fear the originally agreed figure of £700 may be a distant memory. :(
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