• Most full range setups have issues in normal rooms. Yours do look a bit all over the place and Dirac is doing a lot to balance it out. I think it's typical of HiFi software early days, big money and slightly patchy software with a limited shelf life. In 10 years this stuff will be built into the OS.

    It probably does represent good value if you want ruler flat hifi though. The 2 speaker systems I have that can get near it naturally are £4.5k and £6k. They both have dsp built in too.

    REW can fry your brain to begin with, best to take it slow and you get there in the end. It's easy enough to stay in the shallow water but it helps if you understand the different types of tests and results. Otherwise just stick with RMS and play with that for a while.

  • Do you have any room treatment with those systems?
    @BRM I would (and am going to shortly) spend money on acoustic treatment before worrying about digital solutions - you're not going to deal with room modes with EQ/etc.

    Anyway, I always thought Hifi was about stuff that sounds (and looks) good over 'flat', otherwise no-one would be buying anything except monitors.
