I've been pissing around with a trial version of dirac the last few weeks. not had much spare time, but I have ran three of four lots of measuring and cocked around with curves.
i don't have too much of a problem with the hf stuff, but have no real bass up to about 35hz then a big hump (+15db) at 50hz (I sound like I know what I am doing, eh?)
with the filter applied, it def makes a difference. it really takes some getting used to, hearing a smooth response curve with tight, level bass, rather than the big humped bass.
I am not sure I can stump up the fairly significant cost of it all, but it is interesting, and if you are using your computer for your audio you should try it.
I've been pissing around with a trial version of dirac the last few weeks. not had much spare time, but I have ran three of four lots of measuring and cocked around with curves.
i don't have too much of a problem with the hf stuff, but have no real bass up to about 35hz then a big hump (+15db) at 50hz (I sound like I know what I am doing, eh?)
with the filter applied, it def makes a difference. it really takes some getting used to, hearing a smooth response curve with tight, level bass, rather than the big humped bass.
I am not sure I can stump up the fairly significant cost of it all, but it is interesting, and if you are using your computer for your audio you should try it.