Considering this project is supporting the forum, the thread should be a sticky on the homepage/latest, rather than it being buried in the Cycling Club thread. Need to maximise visibility to get those orders.
Added to the front page.
Though jersey production has nearly always been a loss maker... either we lose money because they're under-priced and the quality and unit cost was too high, or we failed to remember to charge VAT, or we got both of that right and went for lower unit cost by making more and had left overs (meaning we lost money again).
This time around they are basically break even. The margin is so slight, that it's really for all of you.
Money for the forum comes from donations (majority), affiliates (some). T-shirts and caps make good margin, so those work... but they're a bit of a faff to make. The forum historically has made more money from a single £10 cap than a single £75 jersey, and we're more likely to sell them all even if we order extra.
Cool. Having had business dealings with Milltag myself, I fully understand the margins involved. Hoping the day comes when it becomes a workable revenue stream for the forum.
Added to the front page.
Though jersey production has nearly always been a loss maker... either we lose money because they're under-priced and the quality and unit cost was too high, or we failed to remember to charge VAT, or we got both of that right and went for lower unit cost by making more and had left overs (meaning we lost money again).
This time around they are basically break even. The margin is so slight, that it's really for all of you.
Money for the forum comes from donations (majority), affiliates (some). T-shirts and caps make good margin, so those work... but they're a bit of a faff to make. The forum historically has made more money from a single £10 cap than a single £75 jersey, and we're more likely to sell them all even if we order extra.
The jerseys are for you.
Donations are what pay for the site.