I'd heard as such. Just trying to find any news about scrap.
Heard through girlfriend who knows somebody that worked on the initial proposals.
I think there would be public backlash if they tried to put a tower there. Is it feasible? Thought the underground / TFL sub level infrastructure on the site made it difficult?
Disappointing re: lack of City rd -> Old St cycle cut through. Seems like a missed opportunity, but I guess that would make sense in the context of the above.
I've been working on the Tower Scheme for this area.
The site identified for a tall-tower (c. 30+ storeys) is between City Road, Cranwood St and the Roundabout. Where the row of shops currently is.
In fact the entire area from City Road to Pitfield Street is being proposed for redevelopment (primarily 10+ Storeys)
Nothing goes on the roundabout at the moment.
I haven't heard anything about that. It would be good if that was the case. The junction needs to be returned to a proper crossroads.
As I hinted at in my other post, the worry about that was that they'd build a massive tower block on top. Note that cycling wouldn't have been permitted across the north-west corner.