I thought this was scrapped?
I haven't heard anything about that. It would be good if that was the case. The junction needs to be returned to a proper crossroads.
On the plus side, it does reclaim some walkable space.
As I hinted at in my other post, the worry about that was that they'd build a massive tower block on top. Note that cycling wouldn't have been permitted across the north-west corner.
I'd heard as such. Just trying to find any news about scrap.
Heard through girlfriend who knows somebody that worked on the initial proposals.
I think there would be public backlash if they tried to put a tower there. Is it feasible? Thought the underground / TFL sub level infrastructure on the site made it difficult?
Disappointing re: lack of City rd -> Old St cycle cut through. Seems like a missed opportunity, but I guess that would make sense in the context of the above.
I thought this was scrapped?
Eitherway, it's pretty ridiculous and inelegant. There are alternatives to gyratories but this is a butchering.
What I really don't get is that they go through all that work and keep that horrible fucking sculpture.