I agree with all of that, however cycle helmet policy is a strange beast, and I think it falls into the category that any policies are made based on personal experience, anecdotal evidence, and media opinion.
This sort of policy should be met with the same derision as if the school decided to ban any student bringing GM food on site. It's personal choice.
The school.policy could state that the pupil, on entering the school premises with a bicycle, must have a cycle helmet.
Parents/pupils could simply stash a helmet in a nearby hedgerow thrn retrieve this as arriving to school. Does this make pupils journeys (for which schools are not liable/responsible) any safer?
Well. I'm speaking about secondary schools now. First of all I think the baseline position should be that parents support school policy and resist challenging it. OFSTED and DFE are hot on schools education performance which leaves stuff like mobile phones, behavior in school, drugs, weapons, violence, toilets, eating, uniform, respect, health, sex, etc etc. It's a minefield and in.my opinion the responsibility of parents to make it possible for the school to effectively enforce published policy around these topics. In a school of 1700 students there are 1700 children. That leaves a school open to challenge when changing or creating new policy for whatever reason. After all its your child you're worried about and not the other 1699. But the headteacher has responsibility for all of them. The Head teacher is accountable for pupil's education as well as unreasonably in my view, the other stuff that pupils do as children. Eg fighting in Sainsbury's after school, drug dealing on the high street, bringing weapons into school, pressing other pupils to perform sexual acts in school premises, lobbing bottles off the school roof at visitors. Wearing a cycling helmet fades into the background when what I've described above is a daily occurrence involving meetings with police, parents, social services and subject matter experts. So, yes, the head teacher has a huge responsibility but so have school governors who appoint the head and must agree policy within the framework of national standards published by DFE. Every school has a published procedure for making contact, airing grievances, offering help, and the policy and the first point of contact for a parent varies with subject. The Head teacher will restate policy. Then you can go to governors if you're still not happy. On the wearing of Cycle helmets my dear wife says that the school has no jurisdiction off school premises and is only in loco parentis on school premises. The school.policy could state that the pupil, on entering the school premises with a bicycle, must have a cycle helmet.