Yeah, I'm buying it on monthly installments on my internet bills. It's not much, but it's so shit I feel like I'm being ripped off so I'll send it back. They don't seem to just throw routers at you here (Finland), like the do in the UK. Also, had I known internet would have been fed into the flat via a working ethernet port, I would have brought my old EE one from the UK as it would have done the job fine. Bit annoyed about that.
Yeah, I'm buying it on monthly installments on my internet bills. It's not much, but it's so shit I feel like I'm being ripped off so I'll send it back. They don't seem to just throw routers at you here (Finland), like the do in the UK. Also, had I known internet would have been fed into the flat via a working ethernet port, I would have brought my old EE one from the UK as it would have done the job fine. Bit annoyed about that.